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Ed McBain: Bread

Bread From the Publisher:
It's the heat of summer. Kids are playing in open hydrants. The water pressure is sinking, and tempers are rising. The cops of the 87th Precinct know that someone out there is fighting fire with fire. And as usual, it's all about...

The bread in this case is money. Lots of money. Money lost in a warehouse fire. Money gained in an extraordinarily successful, important business. Money waiting in the check-printing machine of an insurance company. Carella and Cotton Hawes have taken over the arson case from indolent Andy Parker. But what the find behind a tale of fire and money is murder. Lots of it...

Ed McBain: Bread. An 87th Precinct Mystery. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446604259 (July, 1997), 224 p., $5.99


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