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Ed McBain: Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man

Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man From the Publisher:
The criminals who invade the 87th Precinct aren't known for their intelligence. Their crimes are usually brutal, stupid, and rash. But every once in a while, the 87th gets a good bad guy to hunt down...

WITH YOUR ASSISTANCE, I'M GOING TO STEAL $500,000 ON THE LAST DAY OF APRIL. So wrote the Deaf Man, the 87th Precinct's own private nemesis. Carella, Kling, Hawes, and Brown know the Deaf Man is trying to make them look stupid. Unfortunately, they have to deal with crimes already committed-including one that introduces Kling to the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. But the last of April is fast approaching, and the men of the eight-seven can't deny that they're dying to find out what the Deaf Man has cooked up this time...

Ed McBain: Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man. An 87th Precinct Mystery. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446609706 (January, 2001), 272 p., $6.99


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