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Ed McBain: Lullaby

Lullaby From the Publisher:
The squadroom at 5:15 on New Year's morning looked much as it did on any other day...
But an exceptionally heinous crime was already sending a wave of outrage through even the veteran cops of the 87th Precinct: a wealthy couple, returning home from New Year's festivities, discovered their baby -- and the infant's teenage sitter -- murdered. Parents themselves, detectives Carella and Meyer resolve to bring in the perpetrator at any cost. Meanwhile, gang warfare is overtaking the city's streets, threatening its very foundation. A sinister song of death and destruction echoes through the 87th, and it isn't "Auld Lang Syne."

Ed McBain: Lullaby. A Novel of the 87th Precinct. Pocket Books, ISBN: 0743470745 (September, 2004), 432 p., $7.99



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