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The Grey Man

Andy McNab: The Grey Man (UK 2007)

From the Publisher:
This is a stunning action thriller from a real-life hero.
Kevin Dodds leads a dull, uneventful life. He has a steady job at the bank, a nice house and car. His wife goes to Bingo on a Saturday night, but he usually stays in to save money. But Kevin has spent enough quiet nights in watching TV and decides he'd like a night out himself. And he's not talking about a pint and a packet of peanuts down at the local. He's going to attempt to pull off a daring bank robbery single handed. Kevin is about to take a heart-thumping step into the unknown. For once, he's going to stop being the grey man...

Andy McNab: The Grey Man. Corgi, ISBN: 0552155985 (May, 2007), 99 p., £1.99.








The Grey Man

Andy McNab: The Grey Man (UK 2006)

From the Publisher:
Kevin Dodds leads a dull, uneventful life. He has a steady job at the bank, a nice house and car. His wife goes to Bingo on a Saturday night, but he usually stays in to save money.

But Kevin has spent enough quiet nights in watching TV and decides he'd like a night out himself. And he's not talking about a pint and a packet of peanuts down at the local. He's going to attempt to pull off a daring bank robbery single handed.

Kevin is about to take a heart-thumping step into the unknown. For once, he's going to stop being the grey man...

Andy McNab: The Grey Man. Corgi, ISBN: 0552154334 (May, 2006), 98 p., £2.99.







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