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Medal of Honour

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: Medal of Honour (UK 2024)

From the Publisher:
'Life has no meaning unless it's lived for the benefit of future generations'
Crafted from original interviews, Medal of Honour tells the vivid, authentic stories of the veterans who give themselves - and even their lives - serving in overseas conflict from World War Two to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Outnumbered, under pressure and under fire, these men and women exhibited extraordinary selflessness, camaraderie and patriotism. For their service and sacrifice, they earned the US military's highest awards for valour.

In this powerful collection of never-before-told stories, James Patterson and First Sergeant U.S. Army (Ret.) Matt Eversmann salute America's most courageous military heroes.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: Medal of Honour. True Stories from the Bravest of the Brave. Century, ISBN: 9781529136654 (November, 2024), 400 p., £20.00, eBook £9.99.



Medal of Honor

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: Medal of Honor (USA 2024)

From the Publisher:
The authors of the #1 New York Times bestselling Walk in My Combat Boots salute America's most courageous military heroes.
From the storied battlefields of American military action, here are vivid, authentic stories from the men and women who gave themselves -- and even their lives -- serving in overseas conflict from World War II to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

For their extraordinary selflessness, camaraderie, and patriotism... for engaging combatants while outnumbered, under pressure, under fire... for their service and sacrifice, they merited the US military's highest awards for valor, including:

Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Bronze and Silver Stars

In the words of Medal of Honor winner Patrick Brady: "Soldiers believe life has no meaning unless it's lived for the benefit of future generations. That's why they protect America."

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: Medal of Honor. True Stories of America's Most Decorated Military Heroes. With Tim Malloy. Little, Brown, & Co., ISBN: 9780316407205 (October, 2024), 384 p., $32.50, eBook $16.99.


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