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Julie Smith: The Axeman's Jazz

The Axeman's Jazz From the Publisher:
For detective Skip Langdon, the murder of a multiple self-help group member is no fun. Even if the guilty character is claiming the mantle last held by the Axeman, a notorious New Orleans serial killer of seventy years ago. Yet as Skip threads her fascinated way from one self-help group to another, she finds she has more in common with the twelve-steppers than just the murder. And she knows what they do not: that among their anonymous numbers is a deadly murderous, and dangerously attractive -- psychopath...

"Julie Smith not only firmly establishes her claim to the New Orleans crime scene, but she explores an intriguing new franchise for the serial killer."
Sue Grafton

Julie Smith: The Axeman's Jazz. Ivy Books, ISBN: 0804109540 (September, 1992), 368 p., $6.99


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