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Julie Smith: Crescent City Kill

Crescent City Kill From the Publisher:
Who or what is The Jury? To her horror, NOPD detective Skip Langdon discovers it is a new, national, fast-growing, and very volatile organization headquartered in New Orleans. Its mission: to execute those who have "escaped" prosecution. What's more, Skip perceives that behind this deadly, clandestine group lies the evil brilliance of her old adversary, charismatic con man and cold-blooded killer Errol Jacomine. She's been waiting for Jacomine to orchestrate his twisted plan for revenge. The time is now. However, with a new, honest police superintendent, Skip feels there's hope for the city she loves. But no sooner does Chief Albert Goodlett take office than he is gunned down. The Jury claims credit for this brazen act of vigilante justice. Does anyone care? Not in New Orleans. But the feds do and so does Skip.

Julie Smith: Crescent City Kill. A Skip Langdon Novel. Ivy Books, ISBN: 0804113971 (September, 1998), 356 p., $6.50


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