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Julie Smith: 82 Desire

82 Desire From the Publisher:
Councilwoman Bebe Fortier has misplaced her equally prominent husband. Across town, part-time detective-poet Talba Wallis has a simple wish--to find out what Russell Fortier's disappearance has to do with her. But the private investigator who hired Talba to spy on Fortier can't help her out. He's lying in his office with a bullet in his chest. At first, Police Detective Skip Langdon thinks it's just a small case with some big names--until she senses something huge starting to unfold. Something rooted in corruption, resulting in violence--and motivated by that old demon... desire.

Julie Smith: 82 Desire. Ivy Books, ISBN: 0804116997 (June, 1999), 339 p., $6.99






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