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The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (UK 2024)

From the Publisher:
A deadly, unstoppable force has just been unleashed on the world...
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames.

A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they will find there on the smouldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to the discovery of the most audacious scheme they have ever known: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. It will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Packed with blazing action and daring exploits, The Storm is a nerve-shredding Kurt Austin NUMA Files thriller from top ten bestseller Clive Cussler, the master of action-adventure for over four decades, and co-author Graham Brown.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. A Novel from the NUMA Files. A Kurt Austin Adventure. Sphere, ISBN: 9781408733196 (July, 2024), 448 p., £10.99, eBook £5.99.



The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (USA 2024)

From the Publisher:
A deadly, unstoppable force has just been unleashed on the world...
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames.

A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they will find there on the smouldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to the discovery of the most audacious scheme they have ever known: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. It will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Packed with blazing action and daring exploits, The Storm is a nerve-shredding Kurt Austin NUMA Files thriller from top ten bestseller Clive Cussler, the master of action-adventure for over four decades, and co-author Graham Brown.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. NUMA Files #10. Hachette Digital, ISBN: 9781408733189 (April, 2024), eBook, $5.99.



The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (UK 2013)

From the Publisher:
The Storm is Clive Cussler's thrilling tenth NUMA Files novel.
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames. A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they will find there on the smouldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to the discovery of the most audacious scheme they have ever known: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. It will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Packed with blazing action and daring exploits, The Storm is a nerve-shredding Kurt Austin Numa Files-thriller from Top Ten bestseller Clive Cussler, the master of action-adventure for over four decades, and co-author Graham Brown.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. A Novel from the NUMA Files. A Kurt Austin Adventure. Penguin, ISBN: 9780241961728 (October, 2013), 420 p., £7.99.



The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (USA 2013)

From the Publisher:
The thrilling new novel in the New York Times bestselling Kurt Austin Adventures...
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples when a crew member spots a patch of black oil ahead of them. But the substance is not oil.

Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles from the spoiled sea suddenly attacks, killing everyone aboard while the ship goes up in flames.

A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they find on the smoldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to discover the most audacious scheme they have ever encountered: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. The insidious plot will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. A Novel from the NUMA Files. A Kurt Austin Adventure. Berkley Books, ISBN: 9780425259658 (May, 2013), 455 p., $9.99, eBook $9.99.



The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (UK 2012)

From the Publisher:
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames.

A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they will find there on the smoldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to the discovery of the most audacious scheme they have ever known: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. It will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. A Novel from the NUMA Files. Michael Joseph, ISBN: 9780718159108 (June, 2012), 404 p., £18.99.



The Storm

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames.

A few hours later, Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala are on their way to the Indian Ocean. What they will find there on the smoldering hulk of the ship will eventually lead them to the discovery of the most audacious scheme they have ever known: a plan to permanently alter the weather on a global scale. It will kill millions... and it has already begun.

Filled with the boundless invention unique to Clive Cussler, this is one of the most thrilling novels yet from the grand master of adventure.

Clive Cussler and Graham Brown: The Storm. A Novel from the NUMA Files. A Kurt Austin Adventure. Putnam's, ISBN: 9780399160134 (June, 2012), 404 p., $27.95.


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