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The Mystery of Silas Finklebean

David Baldacci: The Mystery of Silas Finklebean (UK 2007)

From the Publisher:
Adam Spanker, determined to get even after his previous defeat, has challenged Freddy to bet on the winner of the annual science competition. Freddy was convinced he'd win - being a scientific genius who brought five french fries to life... until he discovered that Adam had joined forces with science wiz Harold. Can Freddy and his french fry friends come up with another spectacular experiment to save the day?

David Baldacci: The Mystery of Silas Finklebean. Macmillan Children's, ISBN: 0330449192 (July, 2007), 163 p., £4.99.



The Mystery of Silas Finklebean

David Baldacci: The Mystery of Silas Finklebean (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
Bestselling thriller writer David Baldacci continues the side-splitting story of boy genius Freddy Funkhouser and his pals Theodore, Wally, Curly, Ziggy, Si, and Meese: six super-powered French fries who came to life thanks to Freddy's knack for science and helped him put Pookesville's biggest bully, Adam Spanker, in his place.

Trouble is, Adam isn't about to let Freddy get the upper hand. As Freddy hatches a plan to set Adam straight, he discovers the lab of long-lost scientist Silas Finkelbean, along with instructions on how to build a time machine. Freddy and the Fries are determined to find out more about Silas and prove themselves to Adam once and for all.

The mystery surrounding Silas will spook readers from the first chapter, while the antics of six very spry fries will have them laughing out loud on every page.

David Baldacci: The Mystery of Silas Finklebean. Freddy and the French Fries. With Art by Rudy Baldacci and Patrick Harrington. Little, Brown for Young Readers, ISBN: 0316059005 (June, 2006), 184 p., $4.99.


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