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A Queer Kind of Death

George Baxt: A Queer Kind of Death (USA 1998)

From the Publisher:
New York detective Pharoah Love must answer these questions: Was the death of actor-model-hustler Ben, found snuggled up to a transistor radio in his bathtub, an accident -- or murder? And if it was murder, who did it? Was it Seth, a writer who was living with Ben most recently before his death and who was, in fact, with Ben just minutes before he was electrocuted? Or maybe Veronica, Seth's estranged wife, who might have held a grudge against the man who took her husband away from her? What about Ella Hurst, Jameson Hurst, Adam Littlestorm, or Ben's sister, Ada? When Seth decides his next book will be about Ben, everyone formerly involved with the dead man is suddenly very interested in Seth's every move -- especially the killer.

George Baxt: A Queer Kind of Death. A Pharoah Love Mystery. Alyson Publications, ISBN: 1555834485 (July, 1998), 243 p., $10.00.


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