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Swing Low, Sweet Harriet

George Baxt: Swing Low, Sweet Harriet (USA 1987)

From the Publisher:
Swing low, sweet Harriet tells of four women who rose to stardom in the Hollywood musicals of the 30's, and whose careers were ruined with the murder of their producer, famous movie mogul Barclay Mill. Thirty-three years later, Mill's unsolved murder crops up again when one of the women, now middle-aged and making a comeback through television, hires Seth Piro to ghost her autobiography. And Pharoah Love, a New York City detective and Seth's friend, gets the distinct impression that the murderer is not only alive but is part of the Mill circle in Manhattan

George Baxt: Swing Low, Sweet Harriet. The Return of Pharoah Love. International Polygonics Ltd., ISBN: 0930330560 (April, 1987), 173 p., $4.95.


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