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One Night Stands and Lost Weekends

Lawrence Block: One Night Stands and Lost Weekends (USA 2008)

From the Publisher:
In the era before he created moody private investigator Matthew Scudder, burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr, sleepless spy Evan Tanner, and the amiable hit man Keller -- and years before his first Edgar Award -- a young writer named Lawrence Block submitted a story titled "You Can't Lose" to Manhunt magazine. It was published, and the rest is history.

One Night Stands and Lost Weekends is a sterling collection of short crime fiction and suspense novelettes penned between 1958 and 1962 by a budding young master and soon-to-be Grand Master -- an essential slice of genre history, and more fun than a high-speed police chase following a bank job gone bad.

Lawrence Block: One Night Stands and Lost Weekends. Harper Paperbacks; ISBN: 9780061582141 (November, 2008), 384 p., $14.95.


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