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Spider, Spin me a Web

Lawrence Block: Spider, Spin me a Web (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
The craft of writing is a lot like spinning a web: You take threads and weave them skillfully together, and only you know where this intricate network of twists and turns begin and how it will end. Now, with Lawrence Bloock's expert advice, you can learn this art of entrapping your reader in a maze of facinating fiction.

Spider, Spin Me a Web is the perfect companion volume to Block's previous book on writing, Telling Lies for Fun and Profit, which Sue Grafton noted "should be a permanent part of every writer's library." As helpful and supportive as always, Block shares what he's learned over the course of writing over one hundred published books: techniques to help you to write a solid piece of fiction; strategies for getting a reader (or editor) to reaad -- and buy -- your book; ideas for increasing your creativity and developing an environment that will nourish you and your craft.

Spider, Spin Me a Web is a complete guide to achieving your full potential as a writer.

Lawrence Block: Spider, Spin me a Web. A Handbook for Fiction Writers. William Morrow, ISBN: 0688146902 (May, 1996), 243 p., $13.00.


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