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 The Witch of the Low Tide

John Dickson Carr: The Witch of the Low Tide (UK 2013)

From the Publisher:
Lady Betty Calder is a prostitute and a blackmailer - or is it her sister, Glynis, using her name? Dr David Garth, her fiancé, knows he must find out the truth - especially when he blunders across Glynis' strangled body on Betty's property.

The police know she did it, but David knows she didn't, and he must outwit a cunning murderer and a hostile detective-inspector to prove it. What he discovers - about his best friend's wife, his medical assistant, and even his fiancée - make him wish the blackmailing Glynis had never lived.

John Dickson Carr: The Witch of the Low Tide. Orion Books, ISBN: 9781471905353 (December, 2013), 186 p., £18.99, eBook £7.99.


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