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Deborah Crombie: All Shall be Well

All Shall be Well From the Publisher:
Perhaps it is a blessing when Jasmine Dent dies in her sleep. At long last an end has come to the suffering of a body horribly ravaged by disease. It may well have been suicide; she had certainly expressed her willingness to speed the inevitable. But small inconsistencies lead her neighbor, Superintendent Duncan Kincaid of Scotland Yard, to a startling conclusion: Jasmine Dent was murdered. But if not for mercy, why would someone destroy a life already so fragile and doomed? As Kincaid and his capable and appealing assistant Sergeant Gemma James sift through the dead woman's strange history, a troubling puzzle begins to take shape -- a bizarre amalgam of good and evil, of charity and crime... and of the blinding passions that can drive the human animal to perform cruel and inhuman acts.

Deborah Crombie: All Shall be Well. Avon Books, ISBN: 0060534397 (February, 2004), 288 p., $7.50



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