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Amanda Cross: In the Last Analysis

In the Last Analysis From the Publisher:
When beautiful Janet Harrison asks English professor Kate Fansler to recommend a Manhattan psychoanalyst, Kate immediately sends the girl to her dear friend and former lover, Dr. Emanuel Bauer. Seven weeks later, the girl is stabbed to death on Emanuel's couch - with incriminating fingerprints on the murder weapon. To Kate, the idea of her brilliant friend killing anyone is preposterous, but proving it seems an impossible task. For Janet had no friends, no lover, no family. Why, then, should someone feel compelled to kill her? Kate's analytic techniques leave no stone unturned - not even the one under which a venomous killer once again lies coiled and ready to strike...

Amanda Cross: In the Last Analysis. Fawcett Books, ISBN: 0449007111 (January, 2001), 224 p., $6.50



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