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Dead Man

Joe Gores: Dead Man (USA 1994)

From the Publisher:
Once Eddie Dain had a life: a beautiful wife, a happy young son, and a thriving business catching soft-core bad guys by computer. Then he hung on to an odd-looking case and made a mysterious enemy--one whose calling cards were two men with shotguns.

Now Eddie is reborn -- as a dead man. Known by the single name of Dain, he pumps up his body and his psyche as he follows a trail of sweaty white-collar crime to the steamy Louisiana bayous. Here, in this torrid landscape, is a woman on the run who can lead him to what he wants more than anything: the man who took everything from Eddie Dain...

Joe Gores: Dead Man. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0446403911 (September, 1994), 261 p., $5.50.






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