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Wolf Time

Joe Gores: Wolf Time (USA 1990)

From the Publisher:
Hollis Fletcher had no idea of why someone had tried to kill him. The only thing he could be certain of was that the would-be murderer was an amateur. Fletcher wasn't - a professional hunter with years of tracking experience, he was going to find the man who had left him for dead in the frozen, Minnesota woods. And when he did, he would have his vengeance. Too soon he discovers that he is after the biggest game he's ever tracked. Someone in the entourage of Fletcher's boyhood friend, Gary Westergard - candidate for the presidency - pulled the trigger. And his own daughter was a key figure in the campaign. Westergard, or a person close to him, say Hollis Fletcher as a threat and had taken steps to remove the problem. In failing, they had created a more serious difficulty. Now it was the Moon of the Wolf, the time of the hunter. And the hunt had begun. Fletcher didn't know who would finally be lined up in his sights. But he was skilled, patient and deadly. And his target would never escape.

Joe Gores: Wolf Time. Ballantine Books, ISBN: 0821730959 (August, 1990), 413 p., $4.50.






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