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Flowers for his Funeral

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
When Meredith Mitchell bumps into her old schoolfriend Rachel Hunter at the Chelsea Flower Show it doesn't take Meredith long to realise that she and the effortlessly self-confident blonde have even less in common now than they had as teenagers. Apart from one thing - Meredith's companion, Chief Inspector Markby. For to the embarrassment of all concerned, except of course the self-possessed Rachel, Meredith's old schoolfriend turns out to have been Markby's former wife, from whom he was divorced years before in less than friendly circumstances.

The meeting with Rachel is not the only surprise the Flower Show has in store for Markby - before the afternoon is out he has a death on his hands. All too quickly he and Meredith find themselves drawn into the plush, apparently well-run world Rachel and her second husband created for themselves in their Cotswold home, Malefis Abbey, a world which Markby becomes increasingly convinced harbours a highly skilled murderer...

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral. A Mitchell and Markby Mystery. Headline eBook, ISBN: 9780755377206 (December, 2010), 1147 KB (352 p.), £5.99.



Flowers for his Funeral

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral (USA 1995)

From the Publisher:
To Meredith Mitchell's slightly jaundiced eye, the penultimate day of the Chelsea Flower Show bears comparison to the battle of Waterloo, its war-weary veterans struggling on to the bitter end. But even her anxiety to encounter something other than yet another rose bush couldn't explain why she picked her old schoolfriend Rachel Hunter out of the crowd with such enthusiasm - they had never in fact been that close, and Meredith quickly realizes that she and the well-heeled, effortlessly self-confident blonde have even less in common now than they did as teenagers. Apart from one thing: Meredith's companion, Chief Inspector Markby. To the embarrassment of all concerned - except of course the self-possessed Rachel - Meredith's old schoolfriend turns out to be Markby's former wife, from whom he was divorced years before in less-than-friendly circumstances.

The meeting with Rachel is not the only surprise the trip has in store for Markby. Before the afternoon is over, he has a death on his hands, a death that is soon proved to be far from accidental. Both he and Meredith find themselves drawn into the plush, apparently well-run world Rachel and her second husband Alex Constantine have created in their Cotswold home, Malefis Abbey, a world that Markby becomes convinced harbors a highly skilled murderer.

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral. A Markby and Mitchell Village Whodunit. St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0312134959 (December, 1995), 250 p., $21.95.



Flowers for his Funeral

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral (UK 1995)

From the Publisher:
When Meredith Mitchell bumps into her old schoolfriend Rachel Hunter at the Chelsea Flower Show it doesn't take Meredith long to realise that she and the effortlessly self-confident blonde have even less in common now than they had as teenagers. Apart from one thing - Meredith's companion, Chief Inspector Markby. For to the embarrassment of all concerned, except of course the self-possessed Rachel, Meredith's old schoolfriend turns out to have been Markby's former wife, from whom he was divorced years before in less than friendly circumstances.

The meeting with Rachel is not the only surprise the Flower Show has in store for Markby - before the afternoon is out he has a death on his hands. All too quickly he and Meredith find themselves drawn into the plush, apparently well-run world Rachel and her second husband created for themselves in their Cotswold home, Malefis Abbey, a world which Markby becomes increasingly convinced harbours a highly skilled murderer...

Ann Granger: Flowers for his Funeral. Headline, ISBN: 0747247706 (July, 1995), 343 p., £4.99.


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