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Murder Among Us

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
When ambitious hotelier Eric Schucmacher announces he is to turn Springwood Hall, near the market town of Bamford, into a smart Cotswold country-house hotel, the news is greeted by a chorus of local disapproval, led by the redoubtable Hope Mapple. So the gala opening, to which all the disaffected parties have been invited, promises to be quite an event - not least because the amply upholstered Hope Mapple is planning a disruptive streak protest.But Hope's lightning dash is unexpectedly upstaged by a far more shocking event: the discovery of a recently murdered body on the premises. The victim is a local woman, and for Chief Inspectory Markby and his guest Meredith Mitchell what had promised to be a diverting summer treat suddenly turns into a horribly serious affair...

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us. A Mitchell and Markby Mystery. Headline eBook, ISBN: 9780755377176 (December, 2010), 901 KB (356 p.), £5.99.



Murder Among Us

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us (USA 1995)

From the Publisher:
A perfect setting for murder...
The quiet little Cotswold village is in an uproar over the news that the rambling old Victorian landmark, Springwood Hall, is being turned into an up-market country hotel and restaurant. Some locals are miffed over an imported superstar chef crowding out their resident culinary genius, while Hope Mapple, speaking for the Society for the Preservation of Historic Bamford, expresses her outrage by streaking the gala opening party.

But the locals' protests are quickly upstaged by the discovery of a murdered body in the wine cellar. And for Chief Inspector Markby and his lovely weekend guest Meredith Mitchell, the promise of a romantic country rendezvous turns into a deadly serious affair.

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us. A new Meredith and Markby Mystery. Avon Books, ISBN: 0380724766 (June, 1995), 298 p., $4.99.


Murder Among Us

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us (UK 1993)

From the Publisher:
When ambitious hotelier Eric Schuhmacher announces he is to turn Springwood Hall, near the market town of Bamford, into a smart Cotswold country house hotel, the news is greeted by a chorus of local disapproval. The Society for the Preservation of Historic Bamford, led by the redoubtable Hope Marple, objects to the alterations being carried out on the building: the Esquire Rest Home fears that its aged animals will be evicted from the field lent to them by the Hall estate; and the spurning of the expert gastronomic services of Chief Inspector Markby's brother-in-law Paul Danby in favour of those of a London food pundit provokes outrage in the Danby household. So the gala opening, to which all the disaffected parties have been invited, promises to be quite an event - not least because the amply upholstered Hope Marple is unilaterally planning a disruptive streak protest. But Hope's lightning dash is unexpectedly upstaged by a far more shocking event: the discovery of a recently murdered body on the premises. The victim is a local woman, and for Chief Inspector Markby and his guest Meredith Mitchell what had promised to be a diverting summer treat suddenly turns into a horribly serious affair...

Ann Granger: Murder Among Us. Headline, ISBN: 0747240434 (June, 1993), 344 p., £4.99.


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