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Watching Out

Ann Granger: Watching Out (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
Fran Varady fell into private detective work by accident rather than design. Now she's got a 'real' job at a trendy pizzeria, she's back on track with her acting ambitions, and she's even found a nice flat to rent. But things aren't as straightforward as they seem. The job, for a start: there's something rather sinister about the way the pizzeria is run. And the play rehearsals aren't going well. As if all this doesn't bring problems enough, Fran has rashly undertaken to help a young boy, illegally in the country, find an elusive people-trafficker called Max. When the trail Fran is following is suddenly and tragically interrupted by a horrifying death, she finds herself up against dangerous men and a ruthless organisation. Fran's in big trouble this time...

Ann Granger: Watching Out. A Fran Varady Crime Novel. Headline eBook, ISBN: 9780755372447 (January, 2010), 1618 KB (324 p.), £5.99.



Watching Out

Ann Granger: Watching Out (UK 2003)

From the Publisher:
Fran Varady fell into private detective work by accident rather than design. Now she's got a 'real' job at a trendy pizzeria, she's back on track with her acting ambitions, and she's even found a nice flat to rent. But things aren't as straightforward as they seem. The job, for a start: there's something rather sinister about the way the pizzeria is run. And the play rehearsals aren't going well. As if all this doesn't bring problems enough, Fran has rashly undertaken to help a young boy, illegally in the country, find an elusive people-trafficker called Max. When the trail Fran is following is suddenly and tragically interrupted by a horrifying death, she finds herself up against dangerous men and a ruthless organisation. Fran's in big trouble this time...

Ann Granger: Watching Out. A Fran Varady Crime Novel. Headline, ISBN: 0747268029 (October, 2003), 312 p., £6.99.



Watching Out

Ann Granger: Watching Out (UK 2003)

From the Publisher:
Fran Varady fell into private detective work by accident rather than design. Now she's got a 'real' job at a trendy pizzeria, she's back on track with her acting ambitions, and she's even found a nice flat to rent. But things aren't as straightforward as they seem.

The job, for a start: there's something rather sinister about the way the pizzeria is run. And the play rehearsals aren't going well. As if all this doesn't bring problems enough, Fran has rashly undertaken to help a young boy, illegally in the country, find an elusive people-trafficker called Max.

When the trail Fran is following is suddenly and tragically interrupted by a horrifying death, she finds herself up against dangerous men and a ruthless organisation. Fran's in big trouble this time...

Ann Granger: Watching Out. A Fran Varady Crime Novel. Headline, ISBN: 0747274754 (April, 2003), 282 p., £18.99.


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