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Stephen Greenleaf: Beyond Blame

Beyond Blame From the Publisher:
Psychologist Dianne Renzel has been brutally butchered in her own bed. The evidence points to her husband, Lawrence Usser, a brilliant law professor, whose speciality is the successful use of the insanity defense for a variety of unsavory clients. Now Dianne's parents have hired Tanner to make sure Usser doesn't use his customary fancy legal footwork to skip the rap for his own wife's murder. But as Tanner digs into the case, assumption after assumption gives way to question after question, and soon it's nearly impossible to know who is guilty and who is beyond blame...

"Readers who like their private-eye novels witty, literate, and properly balanced between misanthropy and compassion will find Stephen Greenleaf's Beyond Blame exactly to taste." Newsweek

Stephen Greenleaf: Beyond Blame. Ballantine Books; ISBN: 0345336704 (January, 1994), 309 p., $4.99


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