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Joseph Hansen: Fadeout

Fadeout From the Publisher:
Joseph Hansen's Dave Brandstetter series of detective novels spanned 21 years and 12 books, earning him the 1992 Lifetime Achievment Award from the Private Eye Writers of America. Fadeout, the first of his novels, published in 1970, introduces the character of Dave Brandstetter, a hard-boiled insurance investigator, who doesn't believe that a folksinger whose car was found smashed in an arroyo is really dead. What makes the Brandstetter series even more remarkable - apart from the exceptional writing, which earned Hansen comparisons to Dashiell Hammett, Ross Macdonald, and Raymond Chandler - is that Dave Brandstetter was openly, comfortably, and thoroughly unstereotypically gay. In 1999 this is notable; in 1970 it was extraordinary. Alyson is pleased to reintroduce this landmark, groundbreaking series, long out of print, to a new audience.

Joseph Hansen: Fadeout. A Dave Brandstetter Mystery. Alyson Books, ISBN: 155583552X (May, 2000), 187 p., $11.95


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