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Naked Came the Manatee

Carl Hiaasen a.o.: Naked Came the Manatee (USA 1998)

From the Publisher:
In South Florida, everyone wants to get a head. But not just any head. A very famous human head - severed and snugged away in a cryonic container. A head that could spark a revolution and change the course of history.

Everybody wants a piece of the noggin: rotund gangster Big Joey G., a 102-year-old environmentalist, hard-boiled Miami reporter Britt Montero, lawyer Jake Lassiter, and a would-be dictator in exile - with ex-president Jimmy Carter and a lovable manatee named Booger thrown in for good measure.

With bodies piling up it's anybody's guess what will happen from one chapter to the next, as an all-star line-up of Florida's finest writers take turns at taking this outrageously original novel to the limit - and beyond.

Carl Hiaasen a.o.: Naked Came the Manatee. Ballantine Books, ISBN: 0449001245 (January, 1998), 201 p., $12.95.


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