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Lynn S. Hightower: Flashpoint (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
Police Specialist Sonora Blair of the Cincinnati Homicide Division is awakened in the middle of the night with an urgent summons to take a deathbed statement. When she arrives at the hospital, the victim is unable to talk, but her questions elicit one key detail: the psycho who perpetrated this gruesome crime is a woman. Driven and determined, Sonora is committed to finding this killer before she strikes again - no matter the cost to her private life or the politics of her career. When the murderer begins to call Sonora - taunting, mocking her, trying to lure her into a twisted woman-to-woman complicity - the stakes go up, and the case becomes all too personal.

Lynn S. Hightower: Flashpoint. HarperPaperback, ISBN: 0061094560 (November, 1996), 351 p., $6.50.






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