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Tony Hillerman (ed.): The Spell of New Mexico

From the Publisher:
The Spell of New Mexico A rich gathering of essays that evoke the unique and mysterious appeal New Mexico has had for some of the twentieth century's best-known writers. Included are selections by Mary Austin, Oliver La Farge, Conrad Richter, D.H. Lawrence, C.G. Jung, Winfield Townley Scott, John DeWitt McKee, Ernie Pyle, Harvey Fergusson, and Lawrence Clark Powell. Hillerman's preface and introduction are choice specimens of his incisive humor and his own deep love of the state.

"Should be required reading for all those who call themselves New Mexican." James Arnholz

Tony Hillerman (ed.): The Spell of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, ISBN: 0826307760 (August, 1984), 112 p., $13.95



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