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Stuart Kaminsky: Fall of a Cosmonaut

Fall of a Cosmonaut From the Publisher:
Today, the Sabine River runs as before, yet the bottoms have been drained. Long gone are the alligators, and the few birds that take to the air cast tiny shadows over concrete surfaces." "But way back then, during the thick of the Great Depression that squeezed Deep East Texas in its impoverishing grip, a boy could hear the crickets and the frogs in the star-studded southern night. And in this primordial time a killer stalked the land." "When young Harry Crane discovers the black woman's body, mutilated and bound to a tree with barbed wire, he unwittingly unleashes a storm of uncontrolled fear, thinly buried racial animosities, and fearsomely escalating violence. Jacob Crane, Harry's father and the town constable, struggles valiantly to see that proper justice gets done.

Stuart Kaminsky: Fall of a Cosmonaut. Mysterious Press , ISBN: 0892966688 (September, 2000), $24.95


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