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Cheating Death

H.R.F. Keating: Cheating Death (USA 1994)

From the Publisher:
The 19th Inspector Ghote novel finds the lovable Indian detective embroiled in an academic cheating scandal, under pressure from his superiors and vexed by pressing domestic business. When a final exam paper is circulated throughout Bombay's Oceanic College prior to the test, Ghote is sent to investigate, only to find his prime suspect in a coma, having tried to commit suicide (Or was it a murder attempt?). Suddenly the inspector finds himself dealing with a surplus of suspects, a student protest, a harassed professor and a kidnapping, all the while attempting to placate his impatient boss and successfully handle his strong-willed wife, Protima. The warmly sparring relationship between Ghote and Protima sets the tone for this novel, which ambles along to a pleasant conclusion. Ghote remains a valuable comic invention--funny but not bumbling, with just the right level of confidence in his limited abilities.

H.R.F. Keating: Cheating Death. An Inspector Ghote Novel. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0892965126 (September, 1994), 172 p., $18.95.






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