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In Kensington Gardens Once...

H.R.F. Keating: In Kensington Gardens Once... (USA 1997)

From the Publisher:
H. R. F. Keating, the famed creator of Bombay's Inspector Ganesh Ghote, leaves India for a series of evocative stories set in Kensington Gardens, which will delight all lovers of London. Each of the ten stories is set around one of the monuments and locations in London's great park -- the Peter Pan statue, the Albert Memorial, statues of Queen Victoria and of the explorer, John Hammond Speke, the Round Pond, and so on. Three of the stories were written especially for this book.

H.R.F. Keating: In Kensington Gardens Once.... Drawings by Gwen Mandley. Crippen & Landru, ISBN: 1885941137 (August, 1997), 109 p., $12.00 (?).






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