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For a Few Stories More

Joe R. Lansdale: For a Few Stories More (USA 2002)

From the Publisher:
Call them steps on the way to greatness. Early stories and experiments, some published, none of them collected previously, many appearing here for the first time, along with Lansdale's frank commentary on growing as a writer. For a Few Stories More is the sequel to The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent, and contains a full-length unpublished Ray Slater private eye novel, The Long Fall.

Unpublished stories:
"Livestock, Roses, and Stories" (introduction)
"Untitled Film Proposal"
"The Living Room God"
"My Kind of Luck"
"White Face"
"A Little Halloween Talk"
"Loving Care"
"Sweet Revenge"
"Something Rides with the Western Star"
"Halloween Story"

Joe R. Lansdale: For a Few Stories More. Subterranean, ISBN: 1931081301 (July, 2002), $40.00.


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