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Trail of the Apache and Other Stories

Elmore Leonard: Trail of the Apache and Other Stories (USA 2007)

From the Publisher:
Destiny, restlessness, and greed moved the white man west, into lands occupied for centuries by a proud and noble people: Arapahoe, Navajo, Apache, Sioux. The bitter misunderstandings and brutal clashes of cultures that resulted ultimately shaped the nation we know today. In seven classic western tales, the New York Times-bestselling Grand Master re-creates a world of violence, deception, vengeance, and strange beauty with the same peerless storytelling power that distinguishes his acclaimed suspense fiction.

Elmore Leonard: Trail of the Apache and Other Stories. Seven Classic Tales of the West from America's Premier Storyteller. HarperCollins, ISBN: 0061121657 (January, 2007), 208 p., $6.99.






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