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Ngaio Marsh: Scales of Justice

Scales of Justice From the Publisher:
A brutal murder with a golf club and an ingenious plot bursting with snobbery, suspicion , adultery and secrets -- to say nothing of the dreadful crime of catricide... The lives of the inhabitants of Swevenings are disrupted only by a fierce competition to catch the Old Un, a monster trout known to dwell in a beautiful stream which winds past their homes. Then one of their small community is found brutally murdered; beside him is the freshly killed trout. Both died by violence -- but Chief Detective Inspector Roderick Alleyn's murder investigation seems to be much more interested in the fish...

Ngaio Marsh: Scales of Justice. St. Martin's Press; ISBN: 0312966717 (January, 1999); 256 p., $5.99



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