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The Blood of an Englishman

James McClure: The Blood of an Englishman (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
Six days into their search for a man who put a .32-caliber bullet into a South African antique dealer, neither Kramer of the Murder Squad nor his Bantu assistant, Zondi, has a single lead in the case. On the seventh day, Mrs. Digby-Smith opens the trunk of her car and discovers the hideous, tied-up corpse of her younger brother. Two violent crimes -- seemingly unconnected. But as Kramer and Zondi pursue their investigation, startling connections turn up in the sordid underworld of Terkkersburg and in the secret, unresolved enmities of World War II.

James McClure: The Blood of an Englishman. A Kramer and Zondi Investigation set in South Africa. Soho Press, ISBN: 9781616951061 (April, 2012), 316 p., $14.00, eBook $9.99.






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