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The Ape who Guards the Balance

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance (USA 2010)

From the Publisher:
After eluding a kidnapper in London, an unperturbed Amelia Peabody accompanies her unconventional family to Cairo once more -- only to be ensnared almost immediately in a web of stolen treasures and bloodthirsty cults. Villainy is running rampant in Egypt this 1907 archaeological season, but the members of the intrepid Peabody-Emerson clan have already proven themselves to be formidable adversaries. However, when a mint-condition papyrus of the Book of the Dead falls into their hands, and the corpse of an unscrupulous dealer in stolen antiquities is found floating in the Nile, the Emersons' prospects for surviving this excavation season unscathed appear increasingly dim.

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance. An Amelia Peabody Novel of Suspense. Harper, ISBN: 9780061951633 (February, 2010), 576 p., $9.99.







The Ape who Guards the Balance

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance (UK 2007)

From the Publisher:
In Cairo, the younger members of the Peabody Emerson clan purchase a mint-condition papyrus of the famed 'Book of the Dead', the collection of magical spells and prayers designed to ward off the perils of the underworld and lead the deceased into everlasting life. But for as long as there have been graves, there have also been grave robbers.

Prospects for the 1907 archaeological season in Egypt are looking somewhat dull to Amelia. As a result of Emerson's less-than-diplomatic behaviour, they have been demoted to examining only the most boring tombs in the Valley of the Kings - mere leftovers, really.

And then, in a seedy section of Cairo, the younger members of the Peabody Emerson clan purchase a mintcondition papyrus of the famed Book of the Dead, the collection of magical spells and prayers designed to ward off the perils of the underworld and lead the deceased into everlasting life. But for as long as there have been graves, there have also been grave robbers - and so begins a new adventure into antiquity. The season rapidly switches from dull to deadly as Amelia strives to untangle a web woven of criminals and cults, stolen treasures and fallen women - all the while under the unblinking eye of a ruthless, remorseless killer.

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance. An Amelia Peabody Murder Mystery. Robinson, ISBN: 1845295641 (April, 2007), 416 p., £7.99.







The Ape who Guards the Balance

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance (UK 2003)

From the Publisher:
Book ten in the Amelia Peabody murder mystery series
The prospects for the 1907 archaeological season in Egypt seem fairly dull to Amelia. As a result of Emerson's less-than-diplomatic behaviour they have been demoted to examining only the most boring tombs in the Valley of the Kings - mere leftovers, really. And then, in a seedy section of Cairo, the younger members of the Peabody-Emerson clan purchase a mintcondition papyrus of the famed Book of the Dead, and so begins a new adventure into antiquity. Suddenly, the season for Amelia changes from dull to deadly as she has to untangle a web woven of criminals and cults, stolen treasures and fallen women - all the while under the unblinking eye of a ruthless, remorseless killer.

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance. An Egyptian Murder Mystery featuring Amelia Peabody. Robinson, ISBN: 1841194875 (July, 2003), 407 p., £6.99.







The Ape who Guards the Balance

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance (USA 1999)

From the Publisher:
Join Amelia Peabody on her thrilling new expedition to the Valley of the Kings--Your Itinerary: Upper Egypt, 1907. A perilous adventure into antiquity with fiction's most beloved archaeologist and her captivating cohorts. Witness exotic scenery, craven tomb robbers, vengeful gods! Discover stolen treasures, a mysterious cult, surprising secrets hidden in desert sands! Find the unexpected--a rithless, remorseless killer with his eye on Amelia!

Elizabeth Peters: The Ape who Guards the Balance. Avon, ISBN: 0380798565 (May, 1999), 444 S., $7.50.






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