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The Dead Sea Cipher

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
It was the start of a grand adventure in a land of antiquity, a rare opportunity to visit biblical places rich in tradition. But in a Jerusalem hotel room a world away from everything she knows, Dinah van der Lyn hears angry voices through the wall, followed by a crash and a brief cry in English... for help! The brutal shattering of an evening's stillness becomes a prelude to terror. Without warning, Dinah has been unwittingly pulled into something unholy transpiring in a sacred city, and she must find answers hidden in the shadows. And she must trust an enigmatic stranger as she races through ancient, twisting streets teeming with secrets and peril: a man who may be leading her to safety... or to her doom.

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher. A Novel of Suspense and Intrigue. Harper, ISBN 9780062087805 (February, 2012), 304 p., $9.99.







The Dead Sea Cipher

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher (USA 2001)

From the Publisher:
It was the start of a grand adventure in a land of antiquity, a rare opportunity to visit biblical places rich in tradition. But in a Jerusalem hotel room a world away from everything she knows, Dinah van der Lyn hears angry voices through the wall, followed by a crash and a brief cry in English... for help! The brutal shattering of an evening's stillness becomes a prelude to terror. Without warning, Dinah has been unwittingly pulled into something unholy transpiring in a sacred city, and she must find answers hidden in the shadows. And she must trust an enigmatic stranger as she races through ancient, twisting streets teeming with secrets and peril: a man who may be leading her to safety... or to her doom.

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher. Avon Books, ISBN 0380731142 (July, 2001), 373 p., $6.99.







The Dead Sea Cipher

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher (USA 1988)

From the Publisher:
It was the start of a grand adventure in a land of antiquity, a rare opportunity to visit biblical places rich in tradition. But in a Jerusalem hotel room a world away from everything she knows, Dinah van der Lyn hears angry voices through the wall, followed by a crash and a brief cry in English... for help! The brutal shattering of an evening's stillness becomes a prelude to terror. Without warning, Dinah has been unwittingly pulled into something unholy transpiring in a sacred city, and she must find answers hidden in the shadows. And she must trust an enigmatic stranger as she races through ancient, twisting streets teeming with secrets and peril: a man who may be leading her to safety... or to her doom.

Elizabeth Peters: The Dead Sea Cipher. Tom Doherty / Tor Books, ISBN 0812507568 (September, 1988), 216 p., $4.99.






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