James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein: Daniel X - Armageddon (UK 2012) From the Publisher: To Daniel's horror, thousands of humans defect to Number 2's side without a fight. But for the first time in his life, Daniel doesn't have to take a stand on his own. He's connected with powerful military and intelligence groups that are prepared to follow his lead in the ultimate showdown against the evil that has plagued planet Earth for so long. Readers beware - and be prepared for a truly epic battle that evokes the ancient prophesies of the end of the world! James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein: Daniel X - Armageddon. Before Pittacus Lore, there was Daniel X. Arrow (Young), ISBN: 9780099544067 (October, 2012), 320 p., £9.99, eBook £4.99.
James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein: Daniel X - Armageddon (USA 2012) From the Publisher: To Daniel's horror, thousands of humans defect to the alien's side, making the odds of success that much more impossible. But for the first time in his life, Daniel isn't alone in his fight. He's connected with several military and intelligence groups--including the daughter of a prominent FBI agent--and he's ready to lead the ultimate showdown against the evil that has plagued planet Earth for so long. Be prepared for a truly epic battle that evokes the ancient prophecies of Armageddon! James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein: Daniel X - Armageddon. Before Pittacus Lore, there was Daniel X. Little, Brown for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316101790 (October, 2012), 296 p., $16.99, eBook $9.99.