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James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn (USA 2015)

From the Publisher:
Detective Michael Bennett finally returns to New York City--and to the most unsettling, horrific case of his career.
At last, Detective Michael Bennett and his family are coming home to New York City. Thanks to Bennett, the ruthless crime lord whose vengeful mission forced the Bennett family into hiding has been brought down for good.

Back in the city that never sleeps, Bennett takes over a chaotic Outreach Squad in Harlem, where he receives an unusual call: a man claims to have seen a group of well-dressed men holding a bizarre party in a condemend building. With no clear crime or evidence, Bennett dismisses the report. But when a charred body is found in that very same building, he is forced to take the demented caller seriously--and is drawn into an underground criminal world of terrifying depravity.

James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn. A Detective Michael Bennett Thriller. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781455515875 (April, 2015), 432 p., $16.00.




James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn (USA 2014)

From the Publisher:
Detective Michael Bennett finally returns to New York City--and to the most unsettling, horrific case of his career.
At last, Detective Michael Bennett and his family are coming home to New York City. Thanks to Bennett, the ruthless crime lord whose vengeful mission forced the Bennett family into hiding has been brought down for good.

Back in the city that never sleeps, Bennett takes over a chaotic Outreach Squad in Harlem, where he receives an unusual call: a man claims to have seen a group of well-dressed men holding a bizarre party in a condemend building. With no clear crime or evidence, Bennett dismisses the report. But when a charred body is found in that very same building, he is forced to take the demented caller seriously--and is drawn into an underground criminal world of terrifying depravity.

James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn. A Detective Michael Bennett Thriller. Little, Brown, & Co., ISBN: 9780316211048 (September, 2014), 432 p., $28.00, eBook $14.99.




James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn (UK 2014)

From the Publisher:
Detective Michael Bennett finally returns to New York City - and to the most unsettling, horrific case of his career.
At last, Detective Michael Bennett and his family are coming home to New York City. Thanks to Bennett, the ruthless crime lord whose vengeful mission forced the Bennett family into hiding has been brought down for good.

Back in the city that never sleeps, Bennett takes over a chaotic Outreach Squad in Harlem, where he receives an unusual call: a man claims to have seen a group of well-dressed men holding a bizarre party in a condemned building. With no clear crime or evidence, Bennett dismisses the report. But when a charred body is found in that very same building, he is forced to take the caller seriously - and is drawn into an underground criminal world of terrifying depravity.

James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge: Burn. Back in New York. Back under fire. A Detective Michael Bennett Thriller. Century, ISBN: 9781780890111 (September, 2014), 416 p., £18.99, eBook £9.98.


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