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E.R. Nurses

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses - Walk My Rounds with Me (USA 2023)

From the Publisher:
They save our lives every day, and we've never heard their stories. The life-or-death intensity of working on the front lines, from America's greatest unsung heroes.

"The compassion, the work ethic, and the selflessness of nurses... are given the respect they deserve and captured beautifully here." -- Sanjay Gupta, MD, neurosurgeon and chief medical correspondent, CNN

"James Patterson's account of the twilight world between life and death that nurses inhabit is one of the most moving things I have ever read." -- Sebastian Junger, author of Freedom and The Perfect Storm

Around the clock, across the country, these highly skilled and compassionate men and women sacrifice and struggle for us and our families.

You have never heard their true stories. Not like this. From big-city and small-town hospitals. From behind the scenes. From the heart.

This book will make you laugh, make you cry, make you understand.

When we're at our worst, E.R. nurses are at their best.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses - Walk My Rounds with Me. True Stories from America's Greatest Unsung Heroes. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538707241 (October, 2023), 368 p., $10.99.



E.R. Nurses

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses - Walk My Rounds with Me (USA 2022)

From the Publisher:
They save our lives every day, and we've never heard their stories. The life-or-death intensity of working on the front lines, from America's greatest unsung heroes.

"The compassion, the work ethic, and the selflessness of nurses... are given the respect they deserve and captured beautifully here." -- Sanjay Gupta, MD, neurosurgeon and chief medical correspondent, CNN

"James Patterson's account of the twilight world between life and death that nurses inhabit is one of the most moving things I have ever read." -- Sebastian Junger, author of Freedom and The Perfect Storm

Around the clock, across the country, these highly skilled and compassionate men and women sacrifice and struggle for us and our families.

You have never heard their true stories. Not like this. From big-city and small-town hospitals. From behind the scenes. From the heart.

This book will make you laugh, make you cry, make you understand.

When we're at our worst, E.R. nurses are at their best.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses - Walk My Rounds with Me. True Stories from America's Greatest Unsung Heroes. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538707234 (September, 2022), 304 p., $18.99.



ER Nurses

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: ER Nurses (UK 2022)

From the Publisher:
In this extraordinary work of non-fiction, we hear the unforgettable stories of everyday heroes who look after our families, our friends and ourselves in the most challenging circumstances imaginable

When we're at our worst, nurses are at their best.
Around the clock, highly skilled and compassionate men and women sacrifice and struggle for us and our loved ones.

You have never heard their true stories. Not like this. From big-city and small-town hospitals. These are stories told from the heart.

This book will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you understand the importance of the work they do.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: ER Nurses. True stories from the frontline. Penguin, ISBN: 9781529157970 (September, 2022), 304 p., £8.99.



ER Nurses

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: ER Nurses (UK 2021)

From the Publisher:
Putting names and faces to the men and women who answer the call, fight for our lives, and never give up.
ER nurses work around the clock and dedicate their lives to helping us when we need it the most. They are the everyday heroes that look after us when we are at our most vulnerable - now it's time to tell their stories.

Filled with numerous interviews with frontline healthcare staff, James Patterson and Matt Eversmann team up once more to give insight into why nurses do what they do.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: ER Nurses. True stories from the frontline. Century, ISBN: 9781529125511 (October, 2021), 304 p., £16.99, eBook £9.99.



E.R. Nurses

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses (USA 2021)

From the Publisher:
They save our lives every day, and we've never heard their stories. The life-or-death intensity of working on the front lines, from America's greatest unsung heroes.

"The compassion, the work ethic, and the selflessness of nurses... are given the respect they deserve and captured beautifully here." -- Sanjay Gupta, MD, neurosurgeon and chief medical correspondent, CNN

"James Patterson's account of the twilight world between life and death that nurses inhabit is one of the most moving things I have ever read." -- Sebastian Junger, author of Freedom and The Perfect Storm

Around the clock, across the country, these highly skilled and compassionate men and women sacrifice and struggle for us and our families.

You have never heard their true stories. Not like this. From big-city and small-town hospitals. From behind the scenes. From the heart.

This book will make you laugh, make you cry, make you understand.

When we're at our worst, E.R. nurses are at their best.

James Patterson and Matt Eversmann: E.R. Nurses. True Stories from America's Greatest Unsung Heroes. Little, Brown, & Co., ISBN: 9780759554269 (October, 2021), 295 p., $29.00, eBook $14.99.


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