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Home Sweet Murder

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder (USA 2020)

From the Publisher:
As seen on the Discovery ID TV series Murder is Forever, these two true-crime thrillers follow a lawyer struggling to stop a killer and a detective angling to solve a double homicide.

Home Sweet Murder (with Andrew Bourelle): Lawyer Leo Fisher and his wife Sue are a sixty-one-year-old couple enjoying a quiet Sunday dinner at home. Until a man in a suit rings their front door claiming to be an SEC agent. By the end of the evening, two people will be shot, stabbed, and tortured. And two others will fare worse...

Murder on the Run (with Scott Slaven): The middle-aged housekeeper found dead with a knife in her throat was bad. But the little boy was worse. After a bloody double homicide that puts Omaha, Nebraska, on the map, Detective Derek Mois promises the boy's parents he will catch the killer, no matter how long or far he runs...

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder. Two true-crime thrillers. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538763216 (January, 2020), 320 p., $8.99.



Home Sweet Murder

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder (UK 2018)

From the Publisher:
Two true-crime cases from the hit TV series Murder is Forever
HOME SWEET MURDER: Lawyer Leo Fisher and his wife Sue are enjoying a quiet Sunday dinner at home. Until a man in a suit rings at their front door claiming to be an SEC agent. By the end of the evening, two people will be shot, stabbed and tortured. And two others will fare worse...

MURDER ON THE RUN: The middle-aged housekeeper found dead with a knife in her throat was bad. But the little boy was worse. After a bloody double homicide that puts Omaha, Nebraska, on the map, Detective Derek Mois promises the boy's parents he will catch the killer, no matter how long or far he runs...

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder. Shocking true-crime cases. Arrow, ISBN: 9781787460805 (February, 2018), 304 p., £7.99, eBook £4.99.



Home Sweet Murder

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder (USA 2018)

From the Publisher:
Two true-crime thrillers as seen on Discovery's Murder is Forever TV series - premiering January 2018
HOME SWEET MURDER. Lawyer Leo Fisher and his wife Sue are a sixty-one-year-old couple enjoying a quiet Sunday dinner at home. Until a man in a suit rings their front door claiming to be an SEC agent. By the end of the evening, two people will be shot, stabbed, and tortured. And two others will fare worse...

MURDER ON THE RUN. The middle-aged housekeeper found dead with a knife in her throat was bad. But the little boy was worse. After a bloody double homicide that puts Omaha, Nebraska, on the map, Detective Derek Mois promises the boy's parents he will catch the killer, no matter how long or far he runs...

James Patterson: Home Sweet Murder. Two true-crime thrillers. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538744819 (January, 2018), 256 p., $15.99, eBook $9.99.


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