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The Midwife Murders

James Patterson with Richard DiLallo: The Midwife Murders (USA 2020)

From the Publisher:
A missing patient is a hospital ward's worst nightmare -- until even more disappear.

To Senior Midwife Lucy Ryuan, pregnancy is not an unusual condition, it's her life's work. But when two kidnappings and a vicious stabbing happen on her watch in a university hospital in Manhattan, her focus abruptly changes. Something has to be done, and Lucy is fearless enough to try.

Rumors begin to swirl, blaming everyone from the Russian Mafia to an underground adoption network. The feisty single mom teams up with a skeptical NYPD detective to solve the case, but the truth is far more twisted than Lucy could ever have imagined.

James Patterson with Richard DiLallo: The Midwife Murders. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538718889 (August, 2020), 336 p., $29.00, eBook $11.99.


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