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Public School Superhero

James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts: Kenny Wright Superhero (UK 2015)

From the Publisher:
Kenny Wright is a sixth grade 'Grandma's Boy' in a tough inner city school, struggling with bullies, schoolwork and keeping his detentions secret from his 'G-ma'. Though in his active imagination he's a world-famous superhero, Stainlezz Steel, who fights crime, saves lives and rescues helpless animals.

But now Kenny's neighbourhood need him - can he step up in his real life and help his 'G-ma' save the best School Principal he's ever had?

James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts: Kenny Wright Superhero. Young Arrow, ISBN: 9780099596356 (May, 2015), 320 p., £6.99, eBook £4.99.



Public School Superhero

James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts: Public School Superhero (USA 2015)

From the Publisher:
Kenny Wright is a kid with a secret identity. In his mind, he's Stainlezz Steel, super-powered defender of the weak. In reality, he's a chess club devotee known as a "Grandma's Boy," a label that makes him an easy target for bullies. Kenny wants to bring a little more Steel to the real world, but the question is: can he recognize his own true strength before peer pressure forces him to make the worst choice of his life?

Featuring more than 150 pieces of line art and comic-style sequences, James Patterson's newest illustrated novel is a genuinely funny yet poignant look at middle school in a challenging urban setting, where a kid's life can depend on the everyday decisions he makes.

James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts: Public School Superhero. Little, Brown for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316322140 (March, 2015), 304 p., $13.99, eBook $9.99.


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