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Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (USA 2024)

From the Publisher:
To Rory Yates being a Texas Ranger is about justice, but all of that changes when he is brought to a small southern town to help uncover the mysteries behind a local woman's death -- only to discover corruption and lies.

Texas Ranger Rory Yates is not keen for hero status. But it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery. Rory escapes his newfound fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo, a municipality with two stoplights. And now, according to the Chief of Police, it has one too many Texas Rangers.

Rio Lobo Detective Ariana Delgado is the one who requested Rory, and the only person who believes a local councilwoman's seemingly accidental death is a murder. Then Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets, favors, and lies as crooked as Texas law is straight.

To get to the truth before more people die, Rory is forced to take liberties with the investigation. The next ballad of Rory Yates may not be about a hero, but rather an outlaw song.

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. Officer Rory Yates is tracking two killers. The Texas Rangers are tracking him. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538772454 (August, 2024), 480 p., $13.00.



Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (USA 2021)

From the Publisher:
To Rory Yates being a Texas Ranger is about justice, but all of that changes when he is brought to a small southern town to help uncover the mysteries behind a local woman's death -- only to discover corruption and lies.

Texas Ranger Rory Yates is not keen for hero status. But it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery. Rory escapes his newfound fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo, a municipality with two stoplights. And now, according to the Chief of Police, it has one too many Texas Rangers.

Rio Lobo Detective Ariana Delgado is the one who requested Rory, and the only person who believes a local councilwoman's seemingly accidental death is a murder. Then Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets, favors, and lies as crooked as Texas law is straight.

To get to the truth before more people die, Rory is forced to take liberties with the investigation. The next ballad of Rory Yates may not be about a hero, but rather an outlaw song.

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538718704 (August, 2021), 426 p., $9.99.



Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (USA 2020)

From the Publisher:
A Texas Ranger is justice. Until he sidesteps the law.
Texas Ranger Rory Yates is not keen for hero status. But it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery. Rory escapes his newfound fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo, a municipality with two stoplights. And now, according to the Chief of Police, it has one too many Texas Rangers.

Rio Lobo Detective Ariana Delgado is the one who requested Rory, and the only person who believes a local councilwoman's seemingly accidental death is a murder. Then Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets, favors, and lies as crooked as Texas law is straight.

To get to the truth before more people die, Rory is forced to take liberties with the investigation. The next ballad of Rory Yates may not be about a hero, but rather an outlaw song.

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. Officer Rory Yates is tracking two killers. The Texas Rangers are tracking him. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538718711 (November, 2020), 455 p., $16.99.



Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (UK 2020)

From the Publisher:
Rory Yates of the Texas Rangers doesn't seek out hero status, but it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery.

Rory escapes his new-found fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo to investigate the death a local councilwoman. Local detective Ariana Delgado is convinced that this seemingly accidental death is actually a murder.

Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets and lies. To get to the truth, he's forced to step outside the law he has dedicated his life to upholding.

Now, while Rory is tracking a killer, the Texas Rangers are tracking him...

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. The Ranger has gone rogue. Arrow, ISBN: 9781787465374 (September, 2020), 453 p., £7.99.



Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (UK 2020)

From the Publisher:
Rory Yates of the Texas Rangers doesn't seek out hero status, but it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery.

Rory escapes his new-found fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo to investigate the death a local councilwoman. Local detective Ariana Delgado is convinced that this seemingly accidental death is actually a murder.

Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets and lies. To get to the truth, he's forced to step outside the law he has dedicated his life to upholding.

Now, while Rory is tracking a killer, the Texas Rangers are tracking him...

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. The Ranger has gone rogue. Century, ISBN: 9781529125139 (April, 2020), 384 p., £20.00, eBook £9.99.



Texas Outlaw

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw (USA 2020)

From the Publisher:
A Texas Ranger is justice. Until he sidesteps the law.
Texas Ranger Rory Yates is not keen for hero status. But it's unavoidable once his girlfriend, country singer Willow Dawes, writes a song about his bravery. Rory escapes his newfound fame when he's sent to the remote West Texas town of Rio Lobo, a municipality with two stoplights. And now, according to the Chief of Police, it has one too many Texas Rangers.

Rio Lobo Detective Ariana Delgado is the one who requested Rory, and the only person who believes a local councilwoman's seemingly accidental death is a murder. Then Rory begins to uncover a tangle of small-town secrets, favors, and lies as crooked as Texas law is straight.

To get to the truth before more people die, Rory is forced to take liberties with the investigation. The next ballad of Rory Yates may not be about a hero, but rather an outlaw song.

James Patterson with Andrew Bourelle: Texas Outlaw. Officer Rory Yates is tracking two killers. The Texas Rangers are tracking him. Little, Brown, & Co., ISBN: 9780316428163 (March, 2020), 440 p., $28.00, eBook $14.99.


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