James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (USA 2011) From the Publisher: In this second installment of James Patterson's epic Witch & Wizard series, Whit and Wisty's heart-pounding adventures through the Overworld and Shadowland lead to a jaw-dropping climax and conclusion. James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Little, Brown, & Co. - Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316038355 (October, 2011), 400 p., $9.99.
James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (UK 2011) From the Publisher: The villainous leader of the New Order is just a breath away from the ability to control the forces of nature and to manipulate his citizens on the most profound level imaginable -- through their minds. There is only one more thing he needs to triumph in his evil quest: the Gifts of Whit and Wisty Allgood. And he will stop at nothing to seize them.. James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Arrow (Young), ISBN: 9780099543732 (March, 2011), 352 p., £5.99.
James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (USA 2010) From the Publisher: But the One has other plans in store for them: He needs Wisty, for she is "The One Who Has the Gift." While trying to figure out what that means, Whit and Wisty's suspenseful adventures through Overworld and Shadowland lead to a jaw-dropping climax and conclusion: the highly-anticipated fulfillment of the heart-pounding opening prologue of book one... The Execution of the Allgoods. James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Little, Brown, & Co. - Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316036252 (December, 2010), 352 p., $17.99.
James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (UK 2010) From the Publisher: The villainous leader of the New Order is just a breath away from the ability to control the forces of nature and to manipulate his citizens on the most profound level imaginable - through their minds. There is only one more thing he needs to triumph in his evil quest: the Gifts of Whit and Wisty Allgood. And he will stop at nothing to seize them. James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Arrow, ISBN: 9780099543688 (November, 2010), 384 p., £9.99.