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Witch & Wizard - The Gift

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (USA 2011)

From the Publisher:
Ever since Whit and Wisty Allgood were cruelly torn from their home and family in the middle of the night, the soldiers of a brutal totalitarian government have relentlessly tried to capture and execute them for "collusion, conspiracy, and experimentation with the dark and foul arts." But this increasingly skilled witch and wizard have boldly spearheaded the fight against the wicked regime of the New Order and its systematic destruction of music, art, books, and imagination. Now the villainous leader of the New Order is just a breath away from the ability to control the forces of nature and to manipulate his citizens on the most profound level imaginable -- through their minds. There is only one more thing he needs to triumph in his evil quest: the Gifts of Whit and Wisty Allgood. And he will stop at nothing to seize them.

In this second installment of James Patterson's epic Witch & Wizard series, Whit and Wisty's heart-pounding adventures through the Overworld and Shadowland lead to a jaw-dropping climax and conclusion.

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Little, Brown, & Co. - Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316038355 (October, 2011), 400 p., $9.99.



Witch & Wizard - The Gift

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (UK 2011)

From the Publisher:
Ever since Whit and Wisty Allgood were torn from their home and family in the middle of the night, the soldiers of the New Order government have relentlessly tried to capture and execute them for 'collusion, conspiracy, and experimentation with the dark and foul arts'. But this supremely skilled witch and wizard have instead boldly spearheaded the fight against the cruel and brutal regime.

The villainous leader of the New Order is just a breath away from the ability to control the forces of nature and to manipulate his citizens on the most profound level imaginable -- through their minds. There is only one more thing he needs to triumph in his evil quest: the Gifts of Whit and Wisty Allgood. And he will stop at nothing to seize them..

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Arrow (Young), ISBN: 9780099543732 (March, 2011), 352 p., £5.99.



Witch & Wizard - The Gift

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (USA 2010)

From the Publisher:
When Whit & Wisty were imprisoned by the wicked forces of the totalitarian regime known as the New Order, they were barely able to escape with their lives. Now part of a hidden community of teens like themselves, Whit and Wisty have established themselves as leaders of the Resistance, willing to sacrifice anything to save kids kidnapped and brutally imprisoned by the New Order.

But the One has other plans in store for them: He needs Wisty, for she is "The One Who Has the Gift." While trying to figure out what that means, Whit and Wisty's suspenseful adventures through Overworld and Shadowland lead to a jaw-dropping climax and conclusion: the highly-anticipated fulfillment of the heart-pounding opening prologue of book one... The Execution of the Allgoods.

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Little, Brown, & Co. - Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 9780316036252 (December, 2010), 352 p., $17.99.



Witch & Wizard - The Gift

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
Ever since Whit and Wisty Allgood were cruelly torn from their home and family in the middle of the night, the soldiers of a brutal totalitarian government have relentlessly tried to capture and execute them for 'collusion, conspiracy, and experimentation with the dark and foul arts'. But this supremely skilled witch and wizard have instead boldly spearheaded the fight against the wicked regime of the New Order and its systematic destruction of music, art, books, and imagination.

The villainous leader of the New Order is just a breath away from the ability to control the forces of nature and to manipulate his citizens on the most profound level imaginable - through their minds. There is only one more thing he needs to triumph in his evil quest: the Gifts of Whit and Wisty Allgood. And he will stop at nothing to seize them.

James Patterson with Ned Rust: Witch & Wizard - The Gift. Arrow, ISBN: 9780099543688 (November, 2010), 384 p., £9.99.


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