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Three Debts Paid

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid (UK 2022)

From the Publisher:
Three Debts Paid is the fifth gripping instalment in an exciting new generation of Pitt novels from the pen of highly acclaimed crime writer and New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry.

It is February 1912 when barrister Daniel Pitt is reunited with his old college friend, Inspector Ian Frobisher. Following allegations of plagiarism, one of their Cambridge University professors has committed an assault, and Ian has recommended that Daniel defends him.

Meanwhile, Daniel's dear friend Miriam fford Croft has returned to London as a newly qualified forensic pathologist and is working with eccentric Dr Evelyn Hall. On Daniel's first visit to the morgue, he is shocked to find Miriam examining the mutilated body of a young woman and, what's worse, it is being compared to another corpse bearing identical wounds. As rumours spread of a serial killer, nicknamed ‘the rainy-day slasher', stalking the streets of London, Daniel hears that Ian Frobisher is in charge of the case.

So begins the harrowing pursuit of a brutal murderer whose killing spree is far from over...

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid. A killer stalks the London streets... A Daniel Pitt Novel. Headline, ISBN: 9781472275271 (April, 2022), 336 p., £8.99.



Three Debts Paid

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid (USA 2022)

From the Publisher:
A serial killer is on the loose, and may have a hidden connection to young barrister Daniel Pitt's university days, in this intricately woven mystery from New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry.

A serial killer is roaming the streets of London, and Daniel Pitt's university chum Ian, now a member of the police, is leading the search. The murders are keeping his mind occupied, but when Ian learns that their old professor, Nicholas Wolford, has been charged with plagiarism, he takes the time to personally ask Daniel to defend their beloved teacher. For help catching who Londoners are now calling the "Rainy Day Slasher," Ian also enlists Daniel's good friend Miriam fford Croft, now back from school and a fully qualified pathologist.

As the murders continue, Miriam can't help but notice inexplicable links that have been overlooked by Daniel and Ian. In their concern to defend their former professor, are the two university friends blind to a far worse crime that has been committed?

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid. A Daniel Pitt Novel. Ballantine, ISBN: 9780593358733 (April, 2022), 320 p., $28.00, eBook $13.99.



Three Debts Paid

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid (UK 2021)

From the Publisher:
Three Debts Paid is the fifth gripping instalment in an exciting new generation of Pitt novels from the pen of highly acclaimed crime writer and New York Times bestselling author Anne Perry.

It is February 1912 when barrister Daniel Pitt is reunited with his old college friend, Inspector Ian Frobisher. Following allegations of plagiarism, one of their Cambridge University professors has committed an assault, and Ian has recommended that Daniel defends him.

Meanwhile, Daniel's dear friend Miriam fford Croft has returned to London as a newly qualified forensic pathologist and is working with eccentric Dr Evelyn Hall. On Daniel's first visit to the morgue, he is shocked to find Miriam examining the mutilated body of a young woman and, what's worse, it is being compared to another corpse bearing identical wounds. As rumours spread of a serial killer, nicknamed ‘the rainy-day slasher', stalking the streets of London, Daniel hears that Ian Frobisher is in charge of the case.

So begins the harrowing pursuit of a brutal murderer whose killing spree is far from over...

Anne Perry: Three Debts Paid. A killer stalks the London streets... A Daniel Pitt Novel. Headline, ISBN: 9781472275240 (September, 2021), 336 p., £20.99, eBook £9.99.


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