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Short Shockers

Peter James: Short Shockers - Collection One (UK 2013)

From the Publisher:
From a woman intent on revenge to a restaurant critic with a fear of the number thirteen, and from an unusual Italian aphrodisiac to a story of ghostly terror, these are darkly humorous tales of murderous lovers, duplicitous dealings and urban domesticity turned on its head. Funny, sad, but always shocking, each tale carries a twist that will haunt readers for days after they turn the final page...

This 25,000 word collection by Peter James, available exclusively in this ebook edition, includes:
12 Bolingbroke Avenue (First published in 1998)
Number Thirteen (First published in 2010)
Just Two Clicks (First published in 2004)
Dead on the Hour (First published in 2006)
Virtually Alive (First published in 1997)
Meet Me at the Crematorium (First published in 2009)
Venice Aphrodisiac (First published in 2011)
Time Rich (First published in 2013)
Christmas is for the Kids (First published in 1993)

Peter James: Short Shockers - Collection One. Pan Macmillan, ISBN: 9781447212119 (March, 2013), eBook, 0.57 MB (ca 100 p.), £1.99.


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