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Ruth Rendell: Wolf To The Slaughter

Wolf To The Slaughter From the Publisher:
It was better than a hotel, this anonymous room on a secluded side street of a small country town. No register to sign, no questions asked, and for five bucks a man could have three hours of undisturbed, illicit lovemaking.

Then one evening a man with a knife turned the love nest into a death chamber. The carpet was soaked with blood -- but where was the corpse?

Meanwhile, a beautiful, promiscuous woman is missing -- along with the bundle of cash she'd had in her pocket. The truth behind it all will keep even veteran mystery fans guessing through the very last page.

Ruth Rendell: Wolf To The Slaughter. An Inspector Wexford Mystery. Ballantine, ISBN: 0345345207 (June, 1987), $6.50



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