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Rex Stout: Death Times Three

Death Times Three From the Publisher:
Murder strikes thrice in these three baffling mysteries of crime and detection. First the great detective develops an appetite for the sweet taste of revenge when someone slips something most foul into his lunch -- in a case motivated by the most "alimentary" of passions. Then a couturier's beautiful sister uses Archie as her ready-made alibi -- and maybe fall guy -- unless Wolfe can spot the loose ends in a nearly seamless crime. Finally Wolfe has a run-in with the law after a mysterious old woman leaves a package at the detective's West Thirty-Fifth Street brownstone that pits him against a cunning criminal -- and the U.S. federal government!

Rex Stout: Death Times Three. A Nero Wolfe Mystery. Introduction by John J. McAleer. Bantam Books, ISBN: 0553763059 (January, 1995), 254 p., $15.00






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