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Rex Stout: Triple Jeopardy

Triple Jeopardy From the Publisher:
Don't tempt Nero Wolfe to find the culprit. When foul play's the game, he always wins -- and in these three crime puzzles, the stakes are high. First, there's little nourishment for the detective when someone drops a poison pellet into a vitamin addict's pillbox. Then, a murdered policeman leaves a clue folded in a newspaper, and Wolfe has to read the fine print to decipher his killer's identity. And what do you do when a chimp is the only witness to a crime? This is no time for monkeyshines from the world's most celebrated armchair detective.

Rex Stout: Triple Jeopardy. A Nero Wolfe Mystery. Bantam Books, ISBN: 0553763075 (January, 1995), 192 p., $15.00






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