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The Money Harvest

Ross Thomas: The Money Harvest (USA 1975)

From the Publisher:
Wheat, platinum, lumber -- these are commodities, bought and sold in a multi-billion-dollar crap game called the commodities market. To make a killing in this market is to reap a "money harvest." To plot an illegal method of making such a killing is the fascinating and gripping story told here by Ross Thomas, fiction's grandmaster of intrigue.

Armed only with the information that "something hot" will occur on July 11, lawyer Ancel Easter joins forces with unorthodox investigator Jake Pope to discover what had been overheard in a private Washington club by a former adviser to six presidents, who has been shot down by unknown assassins. As the extent of the conspiracy is revealed, the involvement of government officials and professional criminals leads to a bumper crop of excitement for readers who like their fiction seeded with fact.

Ross Thomas: The Money Harvest. A Novel. William Morrow & Co., ISBN: 0688029124 (May, 1975), 311 p., $8.95.


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